Pisco Barsol Quebranta 700ml
Pisco Barsol Quebranta 700ml
Pisco Barsol Quebranta is smooth, aromatic, and elegantly versatile, perfect as an after-dinner drink or as the base for a charming cocktail—with a grassy, sun-kissed freshness and hints of cinnamon, pecans, papaya, a little of yeast, and pear. Made at the historic Bodega San Isidro, this is a beautiful masterpiece from the distiller.
Pisco is an underrated brandy and an unaged one at that. It's distilled to proof, so there’s no adding water, and the wines used before distilling are never an afterthought.
Nose: Pear, red apples, fresh cut grass complimented with dry fruit and pastry notes, fresh cream and cacao, balanced with delicate citrus notes.
Taste: Ripe pear, red apples, red grape, citrus notes, roasted almond, walnuts and pecan, dark chocolate, cereal, dried apricot and ripe dark berry fruit.
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