Patron Silver Agave Tequilla 1000ml
Patron Silver Agave Tequilla 1000ml
Patrón Silver is handcrafted from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave and is carefully distilled in small batches at Hacienda Patrón distillery in Jalisco, Mexico to create the perfect super-premium tequila.
With its crystal clear colour and aromas of fruits and citrus, PATRÓN Silver is smooth and sweet, with a light, peppery finish and a taste that is the benchmark for all other tequilas.
This PATRÓN tequila shines in cocktail creations such as the PATRÓN Classic Margarita, the sparkling Silver & Soda or the Silver Jalisco Mule with ginger and citrusy notes, and many more.
Artisanal tequila made the hard way, using traditional brick ovens, volcanic stone Tahona wheels and traditional pine wood tanks, with no shortcuts and only high-quality ingredients. Perfect for connecting with friends, making exciting alcoholic drinks and setting the mood, PATRÓN Silver has deep, complex flavours – this tequila is made the way it should be.
Details about the tequila:
Region: Jalisco, Mexico
Winery: Patron Tequila
Agave: 100% Blue Weber Agave
Barrel type: American white oak barrels
Color: Crystal clear
Aroma: Fruits & citrus
Taste: Smooth & sweet
Finish: Light pepper
Alcohol: 40%
Volume: 700ml
Serving temperature: Room temperature
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