Osborne Medium Sherry 750ml
Osborne Medium Sherry 750ml
Osborne Medium Sherry is a rich and flavorful fortified wine, made with a blend of Palomino Fino and Pedro Ximénez grapes grown in the sun-drenched hills of the Jerez de la Frontera region of Spain. It is aged in American oak barrels for an average of three years and has a beautiful mahogany color. The nose is characterized by a combination of nutty and caramel aromas, with a subtle hint of spice and dried fruits. On the palate, Osborne Medium Sherry is full-bodied and smooth, with a long and lingering finish. This sherry pairs well with a wide variety of dishes, from savory tapas to succulent desserts. Whether enjoyed as an aperitif or a digestif, Osborne Medium Sherry is sure to please even the most discerning wine lover.
Region - Jerez - Spain
Grape - Palomino Fino and Pedro Ximénez
Alcohol - 17%
Size - 0.7
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