Flor de Cana Espresso 700ml
Flor de Cana Espresso 700ml
Flor de Caña Espresso - a captivating symphony of flavors and textures of Nicaragua. Experience a light-bodied embrace that dances gently on the palate, offering a nuanced sensation with every sip.
Color: Immerse yourself in the depths of intense black, a visual testament to the boldness that awaits within.
Aroma: Delight in an enticing aroma where notes of coffee essence and wood intertwine, creating an olfactory invitation that intrigues the senses.
Palate: Embark on a journey of taste with a dry and impeccably smooth finish that leaves a lasting impression, evoking the essence of a fine espresso.
How to Drink: Indulge in the essence of this unique creation served cold or over ice, each sip unveiling different facets of its complexity.
Taste: Revel in the harmonious fusion of flavors, including the rich essence of coffee, the delightful sweetness of banana, and the subtle nuttiness of walnut. Each sip encapsulates a mosaic of tastes that excites the palate.
Details about this spirit:
Region: Nicaragua
Distillery: Ron Flor de Cana
Alcohol: 30%
Volume: 700ml
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