Diplomatico Planas Rum 700ml
Diplomatico Planas Rum 700ml
Diplomatico Planas Rum is an award-winning Venezuelan white rum made by Destilerias Unidas. Using their own specially bred yeast strain, Diplomatico Planas is fermented for 24 to 48 hours before being distilled in a blend of column, pot, and batch kettle stills.
Diplomatico Planas is aged for up to 12 years in ex-Bourbon casks and then charcoal filtered up to 6 times to remove the color.
The aroma is pleasant and light. White chocolate, almonds, and a medley of spices. The aging process imparts flavors reminiscent of ginger, white pepper, and cloves.
Mango, banana, and a robust cappuccino flavor all stack up on the tongue, and there are also hints of nuts, whipped cream, and cocoa butter. Pretty laid back and sugary, yet with a noticeable taste of liquor.
Details about this rum:
Region: Venezuela
Distillery: Destilerías Unidas, SA
Rum type: White Rum
Alcohol: 47%
Volume: 700ml
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