818 Tequila Añejo 700ml
818 Tequila Añejo 700ml
The 818 Tequila brand took the world by storm upon its release in May 2021. After its huge success as a best-selling tequila in the US, 818 was released in a second country - the UK - just a few months later in November 2021 for the Brits to enjoy. Many bought 818 Tequila Añejo out of curiosity, to find out what all the hype was about - but were quickly blown away by it’s sweet and smooth taste with a rich mix of flavours and pleasing aromas.
The 818 brand was founded by Kendall Jenner; model, entrepreneur, and ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star. Jenner is known for expressing her huge passion for the agave spirit, and says her award-winning 818 Tequila Blanco is ‘simply perfect’. She's certainly kept to the authentic Mexican tequila-producing methods and traditions, working closely with local family-owned agave farms and distilleries in Jalisco, Mexico.
818 Tequila is produced using traditional methods in Jalisco, Mexico at a family owned and operated distillery. 818 Añejo is made from 100% Blue Weber Agaves, hand-picked by jimadores and slowly roasted in brick ovens for 40 hours before being fermented, distilled and lastly aged in French oak barrels for 1 year before being exported to the UK.
Details about the tequila:
Nose: Caramel, toasted nuts, orange, chocolate.
Taste: Vanilla, toffee, sweet agave.
Aftertaste: Rich, full bodied, vanilla.
Appearance: 818 Tequila Añejo is a full-bodied light amber in colour, with shiny golden/bronze reflections.
40% ABV
80 Proof
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